I smiled.
It was interesting. I liked how they would repeat stuff once. The nonsense ending was great. I love nonsense. Especially the "I have a radio in my fingernail". That cracked me up. Well, umm... keep up something...
I smiled.
It was interesting. I liked how they would repeat stuff once. The nonsense ending was great. I love nonsense. Especially the "I have a radio in my fingernail". That cracked me up. Well, umm... keep up something...
Wow, that was insane. Almost too good. Felt like I was there. Keep up the incredible work.
Hey, that was pretty good. That would have been awesome if there was sound. The artwork was very cool though. Good work.
I give you nothing, because you already submitted this earlier today.
Last time I submitted it, it was auto-deleted by NG because it was very poor quality. That's why I improved it and sent it back. Maybe if you actually watched the movie you might have noticed.
That was great.
I really liked the way you put it together. Good music selection too. Keep up the good work.
I felt like I was watching TV.
Ya, I felt like I was watching tv. I don't even know if that's a good thing or not. It had very good graphics and animation. Pretty long too. Good job.... but there was something flat about it to me.. I don't know what I mean.
That was great, disregarding the graphics!
Hey, that made me laugh so hard. The graphics were primitive, but you captured the effects and feeling you wanted. That's what really matters most in my book. Great job!
I smell a demo
Although this is an intro to your website or whatever, this was very demo-like and didn't express much artistic point of view.. it was like a commercial or something.
Hey, you wanna cookie?
I produce/perform a livestream called Cartoon Mess LIVE on twitch.tv/tomthinks
Age 40, Male
Rhode Island School of Design
Joined on 1/14/01